To make the National Pension System (NPS) more attractive and flexible, the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) has now introduced phased withdrawal of the lump-sum part of the maturity amount at the time of retirement.
NPS subscribers can now either opt for a lump- sum withdrawal or make periodic withdrawals (systematic lump-sum withdrawal or SLW) from their corpus, but only after they turn 60 years. If you choose SLW, there is an option to decide how you want to receive the money — monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annually.
At first glance, the change looks like a simple one. So will it actually help? Should you opt for it or stay away? ET Wealth Online decodes the nitty-gritty of the new NPS systematic lump-sum withdrawal facility and how you can use it for your benefit.
NPS new withdrawal rule at 60: What has changed?
Till now, you can withdraw the entire lump-sum amount in your NPS kitty when you turn 60. This withdrawal is tax-free.
You have to mandatorily invest the remaining 40% in an annuity scheme. The income from the annuity is taxed. This remains unchanged.
NPS investors will now have an option to withdraw the 60% of retirement corpus either as lump sum at once or they can get paid in a staggered manner through the systematic lump-sum withdrawal facility post-retirement. You can choose to receive staggered regular payments of the corpus till the age of 75. The amount that you do not withdraw from your NPS kitty will continue to earn returns from the NPS fund you are invested in. At present, NPS investors have the option of phased annual withdrawals. But for this, they have to make a request every year and get it authorised. Senior citizens can find this a hassle. The new feature makes regular withdrawal easier.
You can opt for the frequency to receive the money — monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annually — at the time of exiting the fund at 60. This option will remain in force till your preferred date or till you turn 75.
NPS withdrawal rule change: Taxation rule on NPS SLW facility
While no income tax is levied on the 60% lump-sum withdrawal, there is no clarity on the tax treatment of the return that will be generated from the corpus that will remain invested during the systematic withdrawal phase. Unless there is a new information from the tax authorities, it may be considered tax- free.
Talking about the tax treatment of this SLW, Ajinkya Kulkarni, Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Wint Wealth says, “For taxation purpose, it is treated equivalent to lump- sum withdrawal, hence it will be tax free.”
If you withdraw the 60% corpus at once and invest it in a mutual fund, bank deposit or equity, your income from those investments will be taxed.
Opting for the NPS systematic lump-sum withdrawal or SLW option? Keep these key rules in mind
1) As now every NPS investor has to decide whether she will opt for lump- sum withdrawal or systematic withdrawal, it is important to also understand the limitations of this facility.
You will not be allowed to withdraw money partially from your NPS corpus once you opt for a systematic lump-sum withdrawal facility. You can choose the duration of the payments from your NPS kitty while applying for SLW. You also have the option to cancel systematic lump-sum withdrawal and get the remaining amount in your bank account.
2) Think about your financial obligations and requirements carefully before opting for this new feature.
While choosing SLW, NPS subscribers can opt for scheme preference or change the pension fund manager. However, it will be applicable only for the lump- sum portion. The annuity option, even if not withdrawn, will continue to remain as per the earlier scheme choice.
Evaluate the performance of the pension fund manager before you pick one for the SLW facility.
It is better to exercise some caution with your asset mix as well. If you have more equity exposure, you are likely to get a higher return than other options. But it comes with a certain risk as well. Most people prefer stable and less risky returns during the retirement phase. So analyse your risk tolerance and needs while choosing an SLW facility.
3) There is an option to delay your annuity income. You can opt for an annuity immediately or defer it till the age of 75. In case of deferment, equivalent annuity units or amounts will be blocked till the deferment period.
Subsequently, the units will be redeemed and the amount transferred to the annuity service provider (ASP) concerned for policy issuance. The final fund value earmarked for annuity depends on the market performance.
NPS withdrawal rule change: Who should opt for NPS systematic lump-sum withdrawal, and who should avoid it?
Whether you should opt for lump-sum withdrawal or phased withdrawal will depend on your investment strategy.
NPS subscribers who would like to have higher cash flows during the initial 15 years of retirement without actively managing the corpus can use the systematic lump-sum withdrawal facility, says Abhishek Kumar, Founder of
Retirees are prime targets for mis-selling as they are flush due to possession of retirement corpus. With systematic lump-sum withdrawal, they can get a regular monthly cash flow and avoid getting lured into inefficient investments for the lump-sum portion of their NPS corpus, he adds.
The systematic lump-sum withdrawal feature also reduces the risk of reinvestment with lump-sum withdrawal.
“NPS SLW feature is ideal for subscribers requiring periodic income while having a fair deal of clarity on their cash flow needs – frequency and amount,” says Nirav R Karkera, Head-Research, Fisdom.
Is it okay to avoid the NPS systematic lump-sum withdrawal facility? Karkera points out that the facility may not be thrilling for investors who have access to superior return-yielding fixed income securities and income requirements prioritising certainty for returns.
“It may not yield the best possible returns for investors with the ability and knowledge to deploy in risky assets for higher returns. Risk of withdrawal during extended periods of asset class underperformance may deplete corpus, which makes it tougher to recover value and achieve target corpus,” he adds.